we’re storytellers > w hotels — the introduction of luxury high rise living in downtown dallas and hollywood

rising to new heights as an uber luxe destination

Our real estate experience runs deep and covers the gamut of residential, commercial, and mixed used projects under construction, ready to open, or expanding development. We understand that real estate marketing is more than simply selling a home or leasing office space. The secret is in creating a destination worthy of consideration in a highly competitive environment.
W Hotels Dallas was the centerpiece of the Victory Park project; 61 high-rise luxury residences built on top of a 250-room hotel – the first of its kind in the market and a test market for W Hotels. Our role was to provide a comprehensive plan to introduce the W lifestyle amenities to downtown Dallas at a time when living downtown was not as popular as it is today. In order to create the W experience and bring the brand to life when there was nothing but a rendering and no brand awareness, we knew we had to create a sales center that could show off all the amenities W would have to offer.
W had never sold residential real estate and relied on our expertise and market research to set the stage for something big coming to Big D. To create a sense of urgency to “be the first” to own a W residence was a strategic imperative we knew would resonate with the type of buyer we needed to attract. By painting the canvas of what life could be like in downtown Dallas by living the ultimate W lifestyle, we leveraged the W brand as the most affluent residential option in downtown. These were multi-million dollar residences – a foreign concept to Dallas residents at the time.
We knew we needed some out-of-the-box thinking to sell these out-of-the-ordinary homes. To accomplish the objective, we created an unprecedented full-scale furnished model to showcase the property’s living space and allow prospects to “sample” the product. We deployed non-traditional media to lure the audience in with the payoff of “seeing is believing” for this one-of-a-kind destination experience.
The multichannel, fully integrated campaign was combined with local, regional, and national lifestyle public relations designed to change the perceptions about living in downtown Dallas. The digital environment created a presence that allowed us to tell the full story and showcase the property online to reach the uber-affluent target demographic and the all-important realtor market for their high-end clients.
As a result of the campaign strategy, 92% of the residences were sold in presales, saving $5 million in construction costs. The Dallas prototype was used to introduce the same concept in Hollywood, where we recreated the same approach and used the movie industry as a backdrop for another successful introduction to the market. After which, W Hotels was able to model the same strategy across the country.