Launched New Brand

staking a leadership position to launch a brand

Sphere is the brainchild of industry experts who saw an emerging market solution to create one-stop payment solutions with advanced technologies and securities across key industry verticals. It grew out of the acquisitions of TrustCommerce, the leading provider of secure payment processing solutions and Anovia, a software payments provider. Sphere’s challenge was to leverage the two acquisitions’ power while branding themselves as a fresh, big idea, software company ready to revolutionize the space as the premier provider of end-to-end integrated payments and security software. As experts in branding, the TPG team went right to work utilizing our proprietary MMP process to differentiate Sphere. We analyzed market trends, key competitors and did a deep dive into their target audiences. Our research identified three key strengths we hit hard to position Sphere as the simple, smart and secure solution- their expert knowledge in software integration, deep industry insights and highly sophisticated security solutions.
With messaging geared around the unique combination of these attributes, we positioned Sphere as the only partner capable of providing the advanced, secure and customized payments and technology solutions companies need to work the way they want to work. In our communications, we capitalized on the founders’ experience and credibility as innovators and strategically filled any recognition gaps by leaning on the combined security and financial power of TrustCommerce. By understanding and perfectly balancing the strengths of their foundation, we quickly incorporated brand transition to merge the two companies’ identities, effectively positioning Sphere as an innovator and leader in the financial technology space through leveraged expertise in security and software. We used their innovative leadership position to drive the look and feel of the new logo and website to move beyond the stodgy, expected look of traditional payment providers to a cool, fresh, modern, techie feel. To give Sphere credibility in the industry and gain instant confidence, we incorporated “powered by Trust Commerce” into the tagline. This leveraged branding approach extended through all messaging, including collateral, style guide, social media, various strategic PR placements, and a highly successful launching initiative at a national trade show.

The TPG team brought the brand to life to give instant credibility to the new company, and Sphere’s sales are consistently increasing. And just as important there was no loss in sales or revenue from the brand transition to the new company.